JimJams Sainsbury’s Sampling

Store Sampling

JimJams contacted eventeem to activate a nationwide sampling campaign covering 171 Tesco stores and 175 Sainsbury’s stores to encourage customers to trial the product and ultimately drive sales. They wanted to cover a total of 12 regions within the UK and really create a high level of brand awareness. JimJams is a family focused brand with 83% less sugar than the market leader and really wanted our team to get this message across to Tesco and Sainsbury’s customers.


Engaging Sampling Staff

eventeem recruited local teams of experienced promotional staff to engage with Tesco and Sainsbury’s customers. Tesco stores were targeted throughout the month of May and Sainsbury’s was throughout September. In total we covered 346 stores nationwide. The teams were provided with branded t-shirts, trays and plenty of samples to excite people with. Discount vouchers were also distributed to encourage product purchase.


Staff Days


Samples Distributed




Activity Days

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