Welsh Government Pethau Bychain Campaign

Pethau Bychain Campaign

The Welsh Government, in conjunction with Golley Slater, needed a staffing provider to assist with their Pethau Bychain (Little Things) campaign during the Six Nations. The campaign was aimed at encouraging people in Wales to use Welsh more in their day to day life, but they needed a way to get this information to the target audience.

Pethau Bychain Case Study
Promotional Staff Cardiff

Reaching Audiences Through Song

In response, eventeem provided two large teams of 16 brand ambassadors, across two days, distributing branded Welsh song sheets to rugby in Cardiff city centre, the theory being that many Welsh fans are fiercely passionate, but lack the knowledge or confidence to sing their hearts out. Our promotional staff in Cardiff engaged these fans, communicating key campaign messages and solving any queries about the language to help them demonstrate their passion.


Staff Days


Song Sheets Distributed




Activity Days

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