Promotional Staff Coventry

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Promotional Staff in Coventry

Rigorous Applications

Our staffing teams make sure to only recruit the best promotional staff to our database. We look for reliable, enthusiastic and trustworthy people with fantastic communication skills to represent our client’s brands during their campaigns. We make use of a rigorous application process to ensure we have the right people for our team.

Midlands Promotional Staff

Coventry and the Midlands boasts a range of busy event venues that we often provide event staff for. As a result, our pool of local talent is incredibly strong, allowing us to staff a wide range of events and campaigns, regardless of size. Our promotional staff are also prepared to travel further afield if necessary.

The Right Staff For Your Event

Our approach to staffing is to ensure that we are matching your brand to the right brand ambassadors for your campaign. We look at their personality, traits and experience to ensure that they will exemplify your brand. 


We proudly provide promotional staff for a wide range of events in Coventry and across the Midlands. Our team are ready to support your campaign, no matter how big or small and can help make it a success. Contact us for a quote.

Find out how we can reach out to your customers in new & innovative ways

We’d love to talk to you about your next campaign. Give us a call, drop us an email or let’s meet up for a coffee; it would be great to chat about how we can support you.