GoodNotes App Activation

GoodNotes App Activation

The GoodNotes App Activation was a 3-day pop-up held at BOXPARK in Shoreditch. The event allowed consumers to grab a coffee at the GoodNotes Coffee Cart and explore the app itself. GoodNotes is a productivity app which is free to use and targeted at students and young professionals, making note taking and collaboration easy. The objectives of this event were to increase brand awareness amongst new and existing GoodNotes users, encourage customers to share their experience and to download the app, and to educate and motivate people to use GoodNotes more frequently.

Eventeem supplied 3x Brand Ambassadors to work alongside 1x Event Manager at this activation. Our staff’s roles were to approach customers and encourage them to have a go on the app, communicate the message that if the customer downloads the app they will receive a free iced coffee at the coffee cart, encourage customers to doodle on the wall, encourage consumers to take a snap of the event and post on social media and to ensure the space is tidy at all times.


interactions with product demos


app downloads


shares on social media

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