Tangible Marketing: Using Samples, Demos, and Product Displays to Captivate Audiences

07 May

Tangible Marketing: Using Samples, Demos, and Product Displays to Captivate Audiences

When companies try to sell products to consumers, they often rely on descriptions that can sometimes be difficult to get across. If you find that your company is in this position, consider employing some tangible marketing strategies. It’s perfectly possible to approach marketing using tangible products, but how should you begin?

Marketing Tangible Products by Offering Real Samples

A good solution is to mix tangible and intangible in marketing so that people can see and believe what you’re trying to say. Why not provide some samples and give your consumers a taste of what you have to offer? This is excellent for consumable goods like food or beverages, as you can provide customers with the ability to experience flavour and quality first-hand. So, tell them why your product is so good and then prove it, which is a perfect mix between tangible and intangible marketing.

Stage Demos

You can deliver a dynamic demonstration of your products and services whenever explanations or instructions make perfect sense. For example, if it’s a cooking demonstration, you can showcase the agility of a kitchen appliance and give a live demonstration of its features.

Remember, seeing is believing for many customers. Interactive demonstrations can be especially engaging. These encourage people in the audience to participate when you invite them to try the product themselves. People will get a sense of involvement, and you’ll be able to address any concerns they may have in real time. In this respect, virtual or augmented reality technology can also offer you innovative ways to provide an immersive demonstration.

Be Visually Appealing

Take the time to create an eye-catching product display so you stop passers-by in their tracks and draw them in. You must create a visually appealing arrangement that properly communicates the story of your brand and highlights the key selling points of your product. Carefully consider the layout and design of your display and set out products in an organised and visually interesting manner. You could highlight colour contrast, height variations or strategic lighting and also use signage and graphics to communicate the benefits of your products.

Focus on the Message With Tangible Marketing

Think carefully about the exact theme or message that you want to convey. Then, make sure that your display aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience, whether it’s modern or sleek, charming or rustic, or whimsical and playful.

Be Interactive

It’s best to incorporate elements of interactivity. This gives opportunities for your customers to interact with and feel or touch your products. A clothing retailer, for example, could set up a dressing area with seating and mirrors so customers could try on garments and experience the feel and fit first-hand.

Use Storytelling

Remember the power of storytelling in tangible marketing. Your display could incorporate a narrative that engages customers emotionally. This would create a connection between them and your brand, which could be long-lasting. Here, highlight customer testimonials or success stories, and showcase the craftsmanship that goes into your product. Show the inspiration behind your brand for that additional connection, and remember that storytelling always adds depth and meaning to any display.

Work with the Best

Cross the boundary between intangible and tangible marketing when you reach out to your customers. This can be the best approach to marketing tangible products and can also help you interact with your consumers on a personal level.

If you need some good people on your side to help you with this initiative, work with some of the best event staff providers in the industry. Not only can Eventeem help you with your staffing needs, but we can provide you with general event-related advice as well, such as experiential marketing theory, to add to your knowledge. Reach out today for further advice.