5 Corporate Event Trends to Watch in 2023

27 Jun

As the corporate event industry enjoys a robust recovery post-pandemic, many organisations are planning new activities. Yet it pays to keep an eye on how other companies operate to avoid any missteps and take full advantage of opportunities. In this case, what’s trending as the year unfolds? Here are five corporate event trends in 2023 for you to consider.

1. Focus on Health

Undoubtedly, people are more health-oriented following such a disruptive few years, and event organisers should have a renewed focus on health and fitness. This could be one of the most important corporate event planning trends, as shrewd organisers add health breaks to otherwise packed agendas. They may team up with local health food providers to help fuel those all-important energy levels each day. They’ll also consider teambuilding activities that motivate, energise and inspire rather than focusing on an “all work” approach.

Corporate Event Trends 2023
Corporate Event Trends 2023

2. Be Immersive and Experiential

While there’ll be an increased focus on health, more attention will likely be given to immersive and experiential events. Expect this to translate into unusual venues and different structures or timelines, as organisers aim to set their events apart from the rest. Be prepared to think outside the box to develop new and inventive ways to entertain and engage. A shrewd organiser will look at each and every moment of their event and ask how they could turn it into an experience that will be memorable for their attendees.

3. Consider In-Person Resurgence

In-person events will likely be a key corporate event trend this year. This will mark a significant shift away from virtual or hybrid, and some say that the return to in-person events is happening more quickly and at a greater volume than expected. Still, it’s a good idea to incorporate the hybrid element where possible, as some attendees may still be a little cautious as they slowly move back to the new normal.

4. Be Aware of Technology Front and Centre

Technology continues its forward advance, and certain elements, such as AR and VR, could certainly be one of the standout corporate event trends in 2023. Of course, this type of technology could help to blur the divide between virtual, hybrid and in-person, and it’ll be interesting to see how this develops in the years ahead. And this shift to AR and VR could be particularly important when you consider that, according to M&IT, 41% of event organisers say that in-person experiences (alone) don’t provide the insights they need when it comes to data collection and budgetary approval.

Corporate Event Planning Trends
Corporate Event Planning Trends

5. Resist Budgetary Pressure

Of course, events do not exist in an economic vacuum, and many organisers will need to pay close attention to budgets. With the threat of a global slowdown, organisers can expect the cost per attendee to be much greater than it was before the pandemic. So, a strategic approach to pricing will be critical, even if demand for new events is expected to be high. Operational costs will be much greater, so organisers must budget carefully and avoid missteps. Of course, event organisers must align these events with stakeholder objectives to show a general return on investment.

Craft the Perfect Event

It’s great to see renewed excitement in the corporate event sector, and you may be going “all out” to come up with a 2023 masterpiece of your own. And don’t forget that you need to find the best event staff to ensure everything goes smoothly on the day. For help, get in touch with Eventeem, one of the top companies in the country in this area. Ask them about staff to help with your sampling services as part of any experiential marketing campaign, or get further information about event staff uniforms to help you with your visual impact.