2016 event trends

25 Jan

Another year has just begun and it is that time of the year when we’d look at what we can expect to see as the major trends within the events industry for 2016.



Event Trends 2016


Event entrepreneurs on the rise

At this day and age, there has been an increase to support entrepreneurs and innovators to bloom and to compete within the market place. There are few barriers to entry for entrepreneurs and innovators to participate in events especially as a method of promoting their products or service.

There is also a rapid growth on the diversity of people that are becoming event entrepreneurs. This can range from creative craft enthusiasts that are running their own one-off or regular events/workshops and chefs or restaurants are opening up pop-up restaurants and are getting involved in running a food/catering event.

An example of this would be a company called Something Creatives who has been the pioneers of projects such as Street Food Circus which is a pop-up street food night market launched on 2016 held annually throughout May & June in Cardiff.

Brands will have to continuously be as innovative as these event entrepreneurs are offering experiences that are valuable to their target market and exceeding the norm within the industry.


Omni-channel experiences are the future

As technology grows, mobile has become a norm instead of the future. Event organisers have the responsibility to offer consistent brand experience across all platforms; online and offline.

Within social media for example; Twitter is a tool to broadcast live updates, Instagram is used to demonstrate the visuals of the event and Periscope is a live video platform that can be streamed by an audience. All of these platforms may show a view of what the event will be like.

Companies need to be on top of their game; brands need to translate what is expected from them from one platform to another. Research need to be carried out to find out what the public or the attendees are expecting. Brands have the responsibility to translate the same excitement and expectations anticipated on social media platforms to the event itself.


Want to be recognised? Be visual

Events provide a great source of image and video content that could be published online. If it isn’t on social, it’s as if your event didn’t happen nowadays. Social media is a phenomenal and a game-changing tool which has rapidly revolutionised the marketing world. It is now a recognised tool commonly used for news, reviews and recommendations. It has the potential to swiftly increase an event’s reach, providing a greater ROI for events and campaigns when used effectively and positively.

Companies must create an environment that is note-worthy for the public or guests to share their experience online. This may be altering the visuals of the event, providing a unique experience or even by providing the best staff for the event.


Exhibitors and visitors own it

Personalisation has gained so much importance over the last few years and 2016 will be the year when it’ll be even more significant. There are now more event apps and online registration facilities that can be used prior the event to acquire knowledge about the attendees. This information can be used to improve the event and can be used to create a more powerful and customised experience.

Ask what attendees want, carry out research! Exhibitors’ and visitors’ opinions are now more valuable than ever. Take advantage of technologies and use data mining instruments to understand what the attendees want.


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