Get Noticed: Basic Roadshow Marketing Tips

13 Dec

Get Noticed: Basic Roadshow Marketing Tips

It’s become increasingly difficult to cut through the noise and reach your prospects in the world of business. Competition is fierce, and people may not have much bandwidth any more when it comes to hearing your message. This is why a roadshow event may be a powerful tool for your arsenal and a unique opportunity to engage customers face to face. But if you’ve never thought about roadshow marketing before, where do you start?

Defining Objectives

Whether you trade directly with consumers or are active in the world of B2B marketing, a roadshow could be the perfect solution. But make sure you define your objectives to follow the ball and score your goal. For example, do you intend to strengthen your relationship with existing customers, or do you just want to generate leads? Maybe you’re aiming to launch a new product, but whatever it is, clearly set out objectives, as this will guide your entire event strategy towards success.

B2B Marketing Roadshow
B2B Marketing Roadshow

Knowing Your Audience

The second most important part of roadshow marketing is to know your audience. This will help you to tailor the roadshow to meet their expectations and needs. Carry out thorough market research to know your audience’s pain points and clearly identify their demographic. Use this information to influence everything you do, from your roadshow event location or timing to the design of your promotional materials.

Zeroing In on Location

Next, choose the perfect location for your roadshow event, ideally somewhere that has a high concentration of your target audience. You need to evaluate potential venues and make sure that they are accessible. Do these venues align with your message and brand image, and is there potential for good foot traffic? This could be key if you plan some product sampling along the way.

Building Experiences

However, remember that this type of event is about more than simply product display or sampling. There are also great opportunities to build memorable experiences, so you should consider some particular tools. For example, you could introduce technology (such as AR or VR) or have an interactive booth to cultivate some “back-and-forth” dialogue with prospects. Consider hands-on demonstrations to engage your attendees and showcase your products or services along the way. Just ensure that you bring in people who are very experienced at promo staffing.

Roadshow Marketing
Roadshow Marketing

Making Materials

The next step is to create your marketing materials, like signage, banners and other promotional items. Firstly, is your message compelling, and does it communicate your USP? Are you sure that all your messaging resonates with your audience? It’s important to answer these questions correctly.

Diving into Social Media

Use social media creatively to promote your roadshow. You can use event-specific hashtags on some platforms, behind-the-scenes videos, and similar tools on others.

This will develop pre-event buzz and will also ensure that you maintain your connection with attendees following the roadshow.

Gathering Your Team

Finally, get your team together and make sure that they are properly motivated. You need to train them well so they know about your products, services and other key talking points. They need to be enthusiastic, approachable and equipped with all they need to handle various customer interactions.

Roadshow Event
Roadshow Event

Assessing Your Staff

It’s not always easy to employ perfect staff members for all these roles, and it could be particularly expensive to train them in any case. This is why it’s a good idea to reach out to experts instead for all of your event staff needs. It will take the weight off your mind, so you can concentrate on all the other elements when planning your roadshow.