Seasonal Events: How to Prepare Your Event Staff for High-Volume Seasons

28 Jun

Seasonal Events: How to Prepare Your Event Staff for High-Volume Seasons

Depending on the nature of your event business, you may experience seasonal highs and lows, and it can often be difficult to prepare for those. In particular, you’ll need to ensure that your event staff are primed and ready for high-volume seasons so there are no missteps and you maximise your opportunity. This requires careful event management as you assess your needs, and you may need to look back on your records to start the process. So, as those seasonal events loom on the horizon, what can you do to get match fit and ensure that your event staff are totally ready?

Move Your Event Management Business Forward by Looking Back

The first thing to do as you prepare your event planning checklist is to look back on historical data from previous seasons and pay particular attention to any notes. Did you receive any customer feedback or observations from your event staff at that time? This intelligence should help you to make good decisions throughout your event planning business in addition to your forward preparation. Should you take into account any

market trends that may have changed since last year?

Assess Your Current Situation

It’s also important to look at the factors that may affect your service capability. Do you have the best equipment, and is your inventory up to date? Do you need to change any processes to streamline your event management services, and importantly, do you need to train your event staff so they have updated skills?

Many event management companies take on temporary staff to help them with seasonal pressures. If you plan to do so, make sure that you work with the best agency. Talk with the agency about skill sets and training, and they’ll provide you with the best event staff for your needs.

Consider Training

When it comes to your own staff, think about designing a training programme that is tailored to the challenges ahead. What’s the desired outcome, and what skills do you need your staff to acquire at the end of the training? Also, will you be able to accurately measure the impact of the training programme?

Run a Training Programme

You will then need to structure the training programme carefully and according to a defined schedule. Staff members will need to know where and when you’re conducting the training, and you’ll need to think about tools, materials and technologies that will enable you (or your trainers) to deliver the goods. Good communication is everything, and remember that different staff members may react in diverse ways based on their experience, age, demographic, or other criteria. It is crucial that they all know about your objectives and expectations, but you should also tell them about the benefits of the training so they are fully motivated and ready to take part.

You may need to use some modern-day techniques to spice up the training and get better engagement. For example, think about role-playing scenarios or add some gamification. A quiz or tool can spice up the training session as well, or you might get senior members of staff to demonstrate certain techniques in real time.

Get Feedback

Finally, make sure that you get feedback from all attendees, and encourage them to be as honest and contributory as possible. This will enable you to fine-tune the training for subsequent high-volume seasons, address any key issues and make necessary adjustments.

Look for Staffing Help

Remember to get in touch with Eventeem, one of the country’s leading event staffing agencies. We have a lot of experience when it comes to staffing events during high season and can provide you with some valuable information, as well as the best staff.