How To Create a Sustainable Event

19 Jan

Events and other large gatherings often generate huge amounts of waste. One event in a single day with masses of people using disposable items is very damaging to the environment. As the news continues to highlight the devastating effects of climate change, event sustainability has never been more critical.

Sustainable events limit waste generation, conserve water and power, mitigate noise and light pollution, and ensure effective waste management. The importance of sustainable events can be affirmed by the current initiatives of consumer companies to manufacture sustainable products, which is a response to the increasing demand for eco-friendly commodities.

What Can You Do To Help?

Below are top sustainable event ideas:

Go Local

In order to reduce carbon footprint, we can cut down on transportation, and use locally sourced products as well as ingredients that are in season.

Go Paperless

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the paper invitations, flyers, and posters after an event? According to the EPA, paper accounts for 23% of global solid waste.

Go paperless by using digital QR codes for the event invitations.

Go Plastic-Free

Plastic is created from non-renewable resources, emits hazardous gases during production, and can quickly end up in our oceans if not properly recycled.

You can use reusable cutlery and install water dispensers instead of passing around plastic water bottles. When outsourcing, only use vendors who use non plastic packaging alternatives.

Consider decorations as well, such as helium balloons. These can fly for miles, therefore they are no good for the environment.

Limit Food Wastage for Event Sustainability

It’s much easier and cheaper to plan a menu based on an estimate of how many people will attend. Preparing more food than necessary will likely result in food waste.

This will not only strain your finances but also result in the production of methane gas. To avoid this, you may hire conference staff to assist with planning and cost management.

Use Eco-Friendly Means of Transport

Consider a location with reasonable transit costs. It would be great to have discounts and affordable public transportation options.

Offering incentives for carpooling is another brilliant idea. Incentives for carpooling could include better parking locations, lower parking fees, or discounted event tickets.

Waste Management

Waste production in events is inevitable. Plan to deal with the clutter during the event instead of after to avoid the laborious tasks that will undoubtedly follow.

Consider the following steps:

  1. Identify and place waste bins in places that the attendees might frequent. It may be beside the toilet, near food vendors, or at the entrance.
  2. Ensure there are sufficient waste bins to make waste disposal quick and easy.
  3. It’s impossible to monitor who drops what item at what spot. You can hire best event staff to run things commercially.
  4. If you use fresh flowers as décor, set up a station where guests can pick up a bouquet on their way out.

At a time when there is a global uproar against environmental degradation, mitigating its negative consequences will quickly rise to the top of corporate agendas. You can make your event enjoyable for your guests and the environment by adopting the simple, thoughtful steps above.