The Importance of Time Management in Event Planning

02 Nov

The success of an event can often be measured by the amount of time and effort you put into its preparation. There’s a tremendous amount of work involved in even some of the smallest events, which simply underlines the importance of time management. Of course, there are only a given number of hours in the day, and the big event will arrive very quickly, so you’ve got to prioritise your time management and hone those key planning skills. How could you go about this?


Perhaps the most important of your event management skills will be the ability to delegate. It’s often tempting to micromanage when you’re fully dedicated to the event’s success and want to ensure that every aspect is successful. But if you overdo it, you can quickly kill any time management plan, causing mistakes, upsetting others and draining your energy. Understand the importance of delegation instead and rely on the skill set of those you have chosen for that reason. If someone is particularly good at finding sponsors, turn that work over to them. And remember, as you delegate, it’ll help the members of your event team to hone their abilities and even stretch further. This will be one of the big advantages of time management and make the team more cohesive.

Grouping Tasks

Group smaller tasks together and try to complete them all in one sitting. Tick them off your “to-do” list, and the more ticks you can see, the more proud you could be of your progress. This can help relieve some stress, but it will also help you free up time to work on those larger and more complex tasks that may be critical to the mission.

Setting Deadlines

Focus on your deadlines. Setting and understanding the benefits of deadlines should be some of your key planning skills and crucial when it comes to the importance of time management. Through experience, you may know how long a particular task should take you, so this should help make your lists.

Make deadlines for small and big tasks, and make sure the end of each day is a primary deadline. This will help you hit those milestones, which is important in keeping you on track, maintaining motivation and perfecting your event management skills.

Remaining Flexible

Having underlined the importance of deadlines, you must remember to be flexible. Certainly, you’re more likely to succeed through diligent planning, but if something goes wrong, you need to be able to pivot. When you master the advantages of time management, you’ll be able to factor in setbacks or delays as you understand that these are likely to happen in the real world. Perhaps you can initiate a backup plan or have contingencies ready for such a moment. Certainly, it’s hard to predict everything, but try to have some “Plan Bs” and “Plan Cs” ready.

Avoiding Burnout

Beware of the burnout. It’s just as important to take breaks as it is to press on with those challenging jobs. Clear your mind so you are fresh and ready and avoid burning the candle at both ends. It can be tempting to work long days as well as weekends, but the quality of your work will undoubtedly suffer.

Prerecording Some Content

As you prepare for the event and understand how much pressure you may be under on the day, think about whether you can prerecord some aspects of the event now. This may help eliminate any mistakes during the live event and relieve the stress when everything counts. Turn to technology to deliver those elements when needed, and you’ll have freed up some time for other pressing tasks.

Getting Help

Once you have fully understood the importance of time management, remember to reach out to service providers whenever you need some additional event staff. You can also bring in brand representatives to help with your on-event work and relieve that ever-present big day pressure.